Product Code: Lek-21U
Availability: 1
Price: RM750 Availability: 1
The words Lek Laï may be translated “Fluid Metal”, an allusion to the ability of certain Lek Laï to assume the liquid state. In many tales, one is assured that Lek Laï is not a simple mineral but a kind of metal-animal , capable of “swimming across mountains”. One of the foremost powers of Lek Laï is to render its wearer invulnerable, and to prevent any fire arms from going off anywhere near him. It can just as easily be used as a weapon of attack, at once reverting to the liquid state, flowing toward the victim, invading his body by the nostrils and ears, poisoning his blood and immediately returning to its guardian in its usual state. The consequences of putting Lek Laï into action varying so greatly from one person to another, I insist that clients coming to this site use their intuition and discernment in their resolve to purchase Leklai and especially not to employ it as a substitute for medical treatment or putting it to work as a bullet proof vest. Leklai is a gift of Nature; one cannot change it, one cannot improve it in some artificial way. Healers report that it lends its power to theirs, thus increasing their efficacy, as well as lending greater strengths to their medicines. One should keep in mind that each kind of Lek Laï has its own special powers and one should never disrespect and put these powers to the test, either bringing about its disappearance or creating a serious “accident” (for example, no way will Lek Laï do its work if its wearer is dumb enough to be shot voluntary). It is urgent to appreciate that a very, very special substance is being discussed here, that it is known to be lived in by a “spirit”, capable of making its own choices and to do damage if not shown respect.
The most common types of Leklai should be “feed” at least once a week
by putting them in contact with honey, preferably in moonlight. The rest
of the time they should be kept either in a reliquary worn about the
neck or in a wax capsule. If one doesn’t bother to take proper care of
one’s Lek Laï, it will vanish unexpectedly, no matter what obstacles one
attempts to put of to thwart its escape. (For instance, forget about
closing it up in a strong lock box – it’s useless.)Nowadays there still
exist rare masters capable of going about the harvesting of lek lai,
among them the Venerable LP Watchara Ekawano (only disciple of the Very
Venerable Ajarn Sarmlit) of the Wat Thamfad temple is the most renowned.
He is also the only master in this world capable of insertingLek Laï
bits under the skin of his disciples’ arms for their protection! This
venerable is also known for his practice of an unusual sort of exorcism
and also his “Blessing of the long wax”. The following information has
been translated by a text of the very venerable Acharn Boon, itself, a
translation of a fragmentary ancient text. The passages do not always
follow a logical sequence and I have done my best to make the text
understandable all the while staying faithful to the original –
nonetheless I must excuse myself in advance for any error arising due to
my ignorance. These writings are not available anywhere else in French
and I thank you in advance for not copying and/or pasting them except
for private use. It is evident that the prayer texts recorded in these
writings are for informational purposes on and IN NO CASE are they to be
taken up and used by a person not qualified to undertake the harvesting
of Lek Laï himself!
Acharn Boon Distinguishes the Two Major Lek Lai Families:
(1) Using for ingredients the minerals “Plaï Dhum”, “Khamin Kaew” and “Mae Perng” (note: these are ancient Thai names for unidentified minerals ), some forest monks can put at work their transcendent powers during special ceremony to purify and commingling these mineral bases, making them become extremely hard, then changing them into a kind of Lek Laï green in color, which will be indestructible, even by the master who brought them forth! (Note: this strongly brings to mind and ancient version describing the technique of making Mekkapat)
(1) Using for ingredients the minerals “Plaï Dhum”, “Khamin Kaew” and “Mae Perng” (note: these are ancient Thai names for unidentified minerals ), some forest monks can put at work their transcendent powers during special ceremony to purify and commingling these mineral bases, making them become extremely hard, then changing them into a kind of Lek Laï green in color, which will be indestructible, even by the master who brought them forth! (Note: this strongly brings to mind and ancient version describing the technique of making Mekkapat)
2) The ancient Lek Lai, “Kod Lek Lai”, which one finds sometimes
hanging from cliffs and which those who go deep into the jungle may find
and bring back. If the person who finds has much merit and pure heart,
he will be able to cut the lek lai from the cliff with an ordinary knife
(note: Acharn Boon seems to be speaking here of a plant or at least
some sort of organic substance, not mineral). This sort of Lek Lai can
change color from black to dark green if one humbly so requests of it,
and it will be able to carry and will always protect the one who is
carrying it.
種物質、具生命力的流鐵,被灼熱之溶岩溶化後,流出地面的途中,亦同時與其他礦物質混在一起。據說,這是保護地球土地的女神之物。」 具無窮威力
世界上拥有太多科学无法解释的东西,但你们没见过的东西并不代表没有。瀝赖是一种拥有浓厚神秘色彩的佛教圣物,它只生长在隐蔽的深山洞穴或悬崖边,要找它 是一件非常艰难的事,因为,它不但隐密,还会“走动”,因而被佛法界视为珍宝。鐵是來自地球底層的自然物質,經過得道高僧唸經及施法後,能保護主人的人身 安全,是一件極具靈性的護身物。 它來自地心 流鐵的傳說雖在泰國流傳甚廣,「相傳流鐵是一種大自然的物質,該物質是經過幾千年積壓於地底中形成,當火山爆發,地層移動時始能凝結。這種包含地心內各 種物質、具生命力的流鐵,被灼熱之溶岩溶化後,流出地面的途中,亦同時與其他礦物質混在一起。據說,這是保護地球土地的女神之物。」 具無窮威力 流鐵在當地被視為一種聖鐵,泰國人相信它具有令人難以置信之威力
世界上拥有太多科学无法解释的东西,但你们没见过的东西并不代表没有。瀝赖是一种拥有浓厚神秘色彩的佛教圣物,它只生长在隐蔽的深山洞穴或悬崖边,要找它 是一件非常艰难的事,因为,它不但隐密,还会“走动”,因而被佛法界视为珍宝。鐵是來自地球底層的自然物質,經過得道高僧唸經及施法後,能保護主人的人身 安全,是一件極具靈性的護身物。 它來自地心 流鐵的傳說雖在泰國流傳甚廣,「相傳流鐵是一種大自然的物質,該物質是經過幾千年積壓於地底中形成,當火山爆發,地層移動時始能凝結。這種包含地心內各 種物質、具生命力的流鐵,被灼熱之溶岩溶化後,流出地面的途中,亦同時與其他礦物質混在一起。據說,這是保護地球土地的女神之物。」 具無窮威力 流鐵在當地被視為一種聖鐵,泰國人相信它具有令人難以置信之威力
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